Software-Defined GPS Receiver

Anthony J. Corbin | Dr. In Soo Ahn

November 15th, 2007

I researched possible ways to interface the SE4110L device to the DSP kit. The MCBSPs (multi-channel buffered serial ports) appear to be an efficient way to accomplish this.

However, given this approach, the sign and magnitude bits will be packed in a rather unusual fashion, which may lead to issues later on.

Additionally, I determined how to use the Simulink auto-code generation for the DSP kit.  While this was rather interesting, I'm yet to determine a way to use this efficiently due to the sampling rates inherent in Simulink.

Finally, I received the connectors necessary to connect the SE4110 device to the rooftop GPS antenna, so I connected it.  Using the FFT function on the scope, I attempted to observe the data stream from the SE4110 device, but the results appeared inconclusive.