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Have questions, comments or suggestions for EquipRD! or this site? Use the links below to contact those responsible. Please e-mail the appropriate person for the subject of your inquiry.

E-mail Sean M. DonCarlos (EquipRD! CF, ColdFusion, SQL Server, general SQL, this site, all deliverables except propaganda)
E-mail Ryan Learned (EquipRD! PHP, PHP, MySQL, all deliverables including propaganda)

E-mail Dr. James H. Irwin, Jr. (Project advisor)
Visit the site of Dr. Aleksander Malinowski (Project advisor)

NOTE: If sending mail to Sean M. DonCarlos, leave the subject line at the default "EquipRD! Feedback". This will prevent his (sometimes overly) vicious junk e-mail filter from discarding your e-mail.