
To:  Brian D. Huggins, Ph.D.
cc:  Winfred Anakwa, Ph.D.
cc:  James Irwin, Ph.D.
From:  Erin Smith
Date:  September 23rd, 1999

Project Title:  The Auto-chromatic Tuner

Advisor:  Dr. James Irwin

Project Description:

This project is a continuation from last semester.  The objective of the auto-chromatic tuner is to
determine the pitch and intonation of a musical instrument in real time.  Four modes exist:  Off,
Auto Tuning, Manual Tuning, and Audible Reference Pitch.  My objective is to continue to
expand upon the work already completed last semester.  Specifically, attention will be given to the
automatic gain control.  Also, improvements will be made to the microphone and speakers, and
the software will be completed.  The existing unit, after completion, will be transferred to a
printed circuit board which may be neatly packaged for marketability.

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