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Matrix-Vector Multiplier Chip
Aaron Brice and Rob Reid
Advisor: Dr. V. Prasad

The use of ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) has increased due to their low cost and relative ease of manufacture. ASICs typically reduce the cost of a circuit by replacing many generic chips with a single chip providing the same functionality.

Our Matrix-Vector Multiplier Chip is an ASIC chip designed to reduce the size and cost of a conventional circuit while still retaining the original functions. It provides synchronous multiplication of a three bit vector by a three bit by three bit matrix. This chip will take the user-supplied inputs for each matrix element, the vector elements, and control signals, and output a six bit vector. An external sequence generator chip is available to interface to the matrix-vector multiplier chip. This sequence generator will provide test inputs for both the vector and matrix elements to increase testability.

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