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Robot Simulation Using the TMS 34010 Graphics Processor
Siewmeng Joshua Tan and John Lowes

Due to the increasing power of computers today, simulation is becoming an important design and testing tool. Our project utilizes a TMS34010 Graphic Processor to produce a graphical simulation of a RHINO XR-series robot arm. The TMS34010 is used as a co-processor in a host computer. 

The project has three distinct programs running concurrently which handle: 1) Graphical display; 2) Robot control; and 3) Textual I/0 on the host and data transfer to the co-processor. The graphic display program uses specialized graphic primitives which are built into the TMS34010 to efficiently draw a model of the robot. The control program takes care of the mathematics involved to determine new coordinates and movement paths. The data transfer program is used to accept input from the keyboard and transfer this data to the TMS34010. These programs work together to provide a real-time simulation of the robot.   

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